Jun 1, 2009

Bloc Party + Coulson

Oh, what's this? It's a rework by Coulson himself. That kid is so cool. One day, I'm gonna be just like him.

Bloc Party - Signs (Coulson Rework)

If you get one thing from this entire blog, make sure it's this.

Update: I noticed some of you said you weren't able to download it, so I've fixed the link :)


  1. Hey Coulson. INVALIT FILE? Removed it? Gimmi that frickin link!

  2. Coulson, I really love this. particuarly the opening. Like raindrops falling, or something.

    from Alice (the girl in your lit class.)

  3. Why thank you Alice. Glad you like it :)

    from Coulson (the guy in my lit class.)

  4. totally cool which is why you should incorporate more ambience ;)

  5. I bet Sandra wrote that


Yes sir, leave opinions here sir. Thank you sir.