Sep 28, 2009


That's what I need. A tall, cold glass of diligence.

This will be my last regular post for a while. I have to go hit the books, and study like there's no tomorrow. I have my German oral exam in a little over a week. I have to talk about 'Integration problems that foreigners experience in Germany'.

In German.

ArghhhhhhhhhhHHHH (that was one of those shouts that peaks about 5 seconds after they begin).

My exams finish mid November, but don't expect regularity to return immediately.

Hope I can still keep you kids hooked on Rarche for long enough.

- Coulson


  1. that's it. im unsubscribing!!

    nah it's probs better that i dont have an excuse to log on and check rarche every couple of seconds :D


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